concept n.zaretskaya
Zhunin Marian          
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Zhunin Marian


1968 born in Moscow.

1987-94 graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities (History of Arts and Culture). Scholarships in the field of culture. A number of publications (1994-98).

1994-97 manager in foreign companies. Art director of the publicity agency "PUBLICITY WORLD" ("REKLAMNYJ MIR"), then – of the Moscow administration publishing house. Creating publicity ideas for actions, celebrations and so forth.


spring 1986 created with associates an experimental theatric group "Shot Theatre". The idea was to make performances at non-stage places for 2-3 private shows. Action is recorded from different points and after the montage it appears to be a single video version.

1987 staging of "The influence of gamma rays on daisies in moonlight" play by Paul Zindel. Script and decorations were also created by the author. Stage was a kindergarten.

Staging of the Alexander Block’s youth biography "The name Block". Idea, text, script, decorations – also by M. Zhunin. The video version did not take place.

1986-91 more than ten scripts for film and stage projects were written.

1997 "Journey with Star", experimental opera performance.

1998 acting the main part in Dmitry Fedorov’s video film "The unknown friend".

1998-2001 "Pamphlet", videoperformance.

"Secret", videoperformance. Took part in staging; camera, montage.

"Some men are thinking about size", photoinstallation for "Last Generation" exhibition project of O.Kulik, Spider & Mouse gallery.

"Walpurgis-night", videoinstallation in collaboration with Julia Zhunina for "Goethe and Pushkin" Festival, Moscow State Theatre Of Youth.

"Temples of Moscow", photoinstallation for "Extra Exit" exhibition, Tscarskoe Selo, St.-Petersburg region.

1999-2000 manifesto-article "A sudden rapture has fascinated mind", The Art Magazine # 30/31

2000 "Happy New Year", videoinstallation for "Pilot Issue. Part 1. Video" exhibition, Moscow Soros Institute of Contemporary Art

"Ode", video project (script writer, staging together with Viktor Alimpiev).


2004 "Calendar", REFLEX Gallery, Moscow
2002 "Ode", TV-Gallery, Moscow (in collaboration with Victor Alimpiev)
2001 videoperformance "Pamphlet", launch in the Institute of Contemporary Art Problems, Moscow


2004 "Moscow Size: Midgets and Giants", REFLEX Gallery, Moscow
"Body Display", Seccesion, Vien, Austria
2003 "Pusto/Empty", Moscow Open Air Video Festival
"Individual Systems", Arsenal, 50-th Venice Biennale
"Horizons of Reality", MUHKA Museum, Antwerp, Belgium
"Free Fall. Surmises of Helmut Newton", Moscow Concervatory
2002 STYK, videoart and short film festival, "Khanzhonkov Hause", Moscow: First Prize
"Melioration", Moscow region, Kliazma Reservoir Resort
"Actual Report", over Russia, Andrew Erofeev exhibition project
Dreamcatcher, videoart and short film festival, Kiev, Ukraine
"Son Un Artista Italiano вЂ” ГЋГ·ГҐГ­Гј ïðèÿòíî! ГђГіГ±Г±ГЄГЁГ© õóäîæíèê  вЂ” Piacere!" NCCA,
Moscow вЂ” Spacio Umano, Milano
2001 "Good, Bad, Ugly…", Kiev, Ukraine
KUKART 5, Tscarskoe Selo, S.-Peterburg region
Mediafest, "21" Gallery, S.-Peterburg
2000 "Pilot Issue", G. Soros Contemporary Art Center, Moscow
1999 "Goethe and Pushkin" Festival, Moscow State Theatre Of Youth
"Extra Exit", Tscarskoe Selo, S.-Peterburg region
1998 "Last Generation", Spider&Mouse Gallery, Moscow


January 6-28, 2006 The US premier of ODE, NAILYA ALEXANDER GALLERY, New York, USA []


The site has been created with the assistance of the "Open Society Institute" (Soros Foundation). Russia