Ромберг Освальдо
1938 родился в Буэнос-Айресе (Аргентина)
1955 окончил Национальный Колледж Буэнос-Айреса
1962 Университет Буэнос-Айреса, факультет архитектуры
С 1971 преподает живопись в ведущих учреждениях Аргентины, Израиля, США
1973-92 живет и работает в Израиле
С 1992 постоянно живет в США
1974 "Projects", Institute of Contemporary Art, London
1975 "Typologies", International Art Center, Antwerp (Cat.)
"New Works", Yodfat Gallery, Tel Aviv
1976 Galerie Louise Krohn, Baderweiler
"New Works", Julie M. Gallery, Tel Aviv (Cat.)
1977 Galerie Keller, Starnberg
1978 "Works on Paper", Galeria Peccolo, Livorno"Typologies", Horace Richter Gallery, Tel Aviv (Cat.)
1979 Galerie Stadler, Paris
1980 "Mythologies: From Altamira to Manet, An Emotional Analysis of Art History", The Tel Aviv Museum of Art
1981 Galerie Stadler, Paris
"Paradigm Series", Gimmel Gallery, Jerusalem
"Mythologies: From Altamira to Manet, An Emotional Analysis of Art History" (traveling exhibition), Musee d'Art Moderne, Strasbourg
"Mythologies: From Altamira to Manet, An Emotional Analysis of Art History", Neue Galerie - Sammlung Ludwig, Aachen (Cat.)
"Mythologies: From Altamira to Manet, An Emotional Analysis of Art History", Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts, Vienna
1982 "Selected Works: 1972-1982", University of Delaware Gallery, Newark
"Color Environment", Bauhaus Archiv, Berlin
"Art about Art", Landesmuseum, Oldenburg Wanda Reiff Gallery, Mastricht
1985 "From Analysis to Metaphor", Galerie Stadler, Paris
1984 XLI Venice Biennale, Israeli Pavilion (Retrospective) (Cat.)
"New Works", Galerie Linssen, Bonn
"Drawings", Utrecht Museum of Contemporary Art (Cat.)
"Osvaldo Romberg und der Merzbau von Kurt Schwitters", Kunstmuseum Hannover mit Sammlung Sprengel (Cat.)
"From Analysis to Metaphor", Galerie Springer, Berlin
1985 Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York (Cat.)
1986 "Hybrid Objects and installations", Museu de Arte de Sao Paolo, Piezo Electric Gallery, New York (Cat.)
1987 Piezo Electric Gallery, New York Galeria Paolo Figueredo. Sao Paolo (Cat.)
1988 Elizabeth McDonald Gallery. New York
"Prepictum. Postpictum + Working Drawings". Galeria Julia Lublin, Buenos Aires (Cat.) Artifact Gallery. Tel Aviv (Cat.)
1989 "Drawings for Installation Projects", Artifact Gallery, Tel Aviv
1990 "Installations", The Jewish Museum, New York (Cat.)
1991 "Building Footprints" (traveling exhibition), The Israel Museum, Jerusalem (Cat.)
"Building Footprints", Museum of Contemporary Art, Muhka, Antwerp (Cat.)
"Romberg: the '70s, the '80s", Gimmel Gallery, Jerusalem
"Romberg: Art about Art", Artifact Gallery, Tel Aviv
"Romberg: the '70s, the '80s", Galerie Montaigne, Paris
"Romberg: the '70s, the '80s", Ingrid Dacic. Gallery, Tubingen
"Romberg: New Works", Schuppenhauer Gallery, Cologne
"Romberg: the '70s, the '80s", Luise Krohn, Badenweiler
"On Scale" (traveling exhibition), Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum, Duisburg (Cat.)
1967 V Biennale, Paris
1968 VI. International Biennale, Tokyo
1969 "Experiences 1969", Di Telia Institute, Buenos Aires VI. Biennale, Paris
1973 "Latin American Art", Wspokezsna, Warsaw, Poland"5 Tendencies", Zagreb Gallery, Yugoslavia
1975 Biennale of Prints, Cracow, Poland
1976 "Latin American Art", Louisiana Museum, Copenhagen Denmark Biennale of Prints, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
1977 "Critic's Biennale", International Cultural Center, Antwerp
1979 "Text Image Object", Rosa Esman Gallery, New York
1980 "Art about Art", Galerie Nouvelles Images, The Hague
1982 "Here and Now", The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
1983 "Three Artists about Monet", Neue Pinakothek. MPZ, Munich
1984 "Nacht in der Kunst", Kunstmuseum Hannover mit Sammlung Sprengel
"Arte allo Specchio", XLI. Venice Biennale
"Second Nature", Bard College, New York
"Rationalism", Kunsthalle, Berlin
"Art about Art", The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
1985 "Kunst in Israel", Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen
"Abstract Issues", Tibor de Nagy Gallery. New York
"Apokalypse", Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen
"Artistas Convidados", XVIII. Biennale, Sao Paolo
1987 "Quotations", Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat Can
1989 "Projects – Installations", Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Connecticut
"Correlations", Galerie Linssen, Cologne
1990 Tel Hai International Art Meeting, Israel
1991 "Perspective", Helena Rubinstein Pavilion, Tel Aviv Museum of Art
"Transparence, Transcendence", Forum Ludwig, Aachen
Музея Хайфы, Хайфа, Израиль
Музея Израиля, Иерусалим, Израиль
Еврейского музея, Нью-Йорк, США
Художественного музея, Бонн, Германия
Библиотеки Конгресса , Вашингтон, США
Музея Людвига, Кёльн, Германия
Музея изящных искусств, Буэнос-Айрес, Аргентина
Музея современного искусства, Нью-Йорк, США
Музея современного искусства, Вена, Австрия
Художественного музея, Филадельфия, США
Музея Тель-Авива, Тель-Авив, Израиль