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Bruskin Grisha


1945   born in Moscow

1968   graduates from the Art Department, Moscow Textile Institute, Moscow

1969   becomes a member of the Soviet Artists' Union

1988   1st Sotheby's Auction in Moscow. Bruskin's picture "Fundamental Lexicon" was placed on the poster and catalogue cover. His six pieces were sold at the record for contemporary Russian art prices.

1989   designs poster for the Chicago International Art Exposition

Since 1988   lives and works in New York City


1988    The Birth of the Hero, Exhibition Hall at Milliontsikov Street "Kashirka", Moscow


1976   House of Artists, Moscow

1983   Vilnius, Lithuania

1984   Central House of Workers in the Arts, Moscow

1990   Marlborough Gallery, New York (exhibition catalogue)

1991   Paintings and Sculpture, Hokin Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida
Erika Meyerovich Gallery, San Francisco

1992   General Instruction, The State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, traveled to St. Petersburg
Alex Lachmann Gallery, Cologne, Germany

1993   Paintings, Drawings, and Sculptures, Struve Gallery, Ghicago

1994   Linda Harris Gallery, Seattle


1966   Seventh Exhibition of Young Artists of Moscow, House of Artists, Moscow

1987    The Painter and Modernism, Exhibition Hall at the Milliontsikov Street "Kashirka", Moscow
Object, Exhibition at the Malaya Gruzinskaya, Moscow (exhibition Catalogue)
Retrospection 1957-87, Provsouznaya st.100., Exhibition Hall of the Provsouznaya Hermitage Association, Moscow

1988   Jch lebe Ich sehe: Kunstler der achtziger Jahre in Moskau, Kunstmuscum Bern, Bern, Switzerland (exhibition catalogue)
Olympiad of Art, National Museum of Gontemporary Art, Seoul, Korea (exhibition catalogue and poster)
Sowjetkunst heute, Museum Ludwig, Gologne, West Germany (exhibition catalogue)
Glasnost-Die neue Freiheit der sowjetis-chen Maler, Kunsthalle Emden, Emdcn, West Germany (exhibition catalogue)
Kunstdrachen: Bilder fur den Himmel, Art Museum of the Miyagi Prefecture, Sendai, Japan, traveled through Japan and Europe from 1988-1992 (exhibition catalogue)

1989   100 Years of Russian Art 1889-1989: From Private Collections in the USSR, Barbican Art Gallery, London, England, traveled to Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, England; Soviet Cultural Foundation, Moscow (exhibition catalogue)
Sculpture by Abakanowicz, Botero, Bruskin, Davies, Grooms, Mason, Marlborough Gallery, New York (exhibition catalogue)
Von der Revolution zur Perestroika: Sowjetische Kunst aus der Sammlung Ludwig, Kunstmuscum Lu/ern, Lucern, Switzerland, traveled to Palau de la Virreina-Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona; Musee d'Art Moderne de Saint Etienne, St. Etienne, France (exhibition catalogue)
Recent Acquisitions, Museum of Modern Art, New York

1989-92   Bilder fur den Himmel – Kunstdrachen, Haus der Kunst, Munich, traveled to
Grande Halle de la Villette, Paris; Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Wescfalcn, Dusseldorf; Central House of Artists, Moscow; Deichtor Halle, Hamburg; Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon; Musee des Beaux Arts, Brussels; National Galerie, Berlin; Charlottenburg, Copenhagen; Guggenheim Museum, New York (exhibition catalogue)
Artists for Liberty, Berlin Wall, Foundation Pascal Jeandet, traveled to Paris, London, and Madrid
Chagall to Kitaj: The Jewish Experience in 20th Century Art, Barbican Art Gallery, London (exhibition catalogue)
Marlborough en Pelaires, Centre Cultural Contemporani Pelaires, Palma de Mallorca (exhibition catalogue)
Recent Aquisitions, Israel Musem, Jerusalem, Israel

1991   Artistas Rusos Contemporaneos, Auditoeio de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Ost-Kunst West-Kunst, Ludwig Forum for International Art, Aachen, Germany

1992    On Paper, Marlborough Gallery, New York (exhibition catalogue)
Artists Love New York, organized by City Arts, Inc., Marine Midland Bank, Soho, New York (exhibition catalogue)
Diaspora, House of Artists, Moscow, Russia
Outsiders Masked Ball, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles
Books and Portfolios 1957-1992, Marlborough Graphics, New York

1993   Drawing the Line Against AIDS, Venice Biennial, Venice, Italy, traveled to Guggenheim Museum Soho, New York (exhibition catalogue)
Von Malewitsch bis Kabakov: Russische Avantgarde im 20 Jahrhundert, Eine Ausstellung des Museums Ludwig, Josef-Haubrich-Kunsthallc, Cologne, Germany (exhibition catalogue)
Old Symbols-New Icons in Russian Contemporary Art, Stuart Levy Gallery, New York
From Chaos To Creation: Russian Art 1972-1992, Rye Arts Center, Rye, New York
Post-Modernism and Tradition, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow


Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock, Arkansas
Art Institute of Chicago
Galeria de Arte Nacional, Caracas, Venesuela
Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Jewish Museum, New York
Kunsthalle Emden, Emden, Germany
Milwaukee Art Museum
Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany
Museum of Mo dern Art, New York
Portland Museum of Art, Portland, Maine
State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
State Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow


The site has been created with the assistance of the "Open Society Institute" (Soros Foundation). Russia