concept n.zaretskaya
Infante Francisco          
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Infante Francisco


1943   born in Vasilyevka village, Saratov Region. His father is Spaniard, and his mother is Russian

1956-62   studied in Moscow Secondary Art School

1962-68   was a member of the artists' community that was called "Movement" in 1964

1970   organized a group of artists and engineers "Argo"

From 1973   a member of the graphic artists' city committee and Moscow Artists Union

Lives and works in Moscow


1974   Moscow. Spanish Community Center

1978   Moscow. Engineering Institute of Moscow

1979   Leningrad. Cultural Center

1981   Moscow. Center of Aesthetics
Moscow. Gorkom of Graphics
Moscow. Academy of Sciences

1982   Moscow. Institute of Architectural Theory and History
Moscow. Institute of Polygraphy
Moscow. Art Center on Kuznetsky Most

1984   Moscow. Moscow Planetarium
Riga. State Center of Science
Shaulay. Museum of Photography

1985   Moscow. Moscow Center of Art

1986   Moscow. Moscow Center of Art

1986   Moscow. Moscow Center of Cinematography

1987   Moscow. Moscow Center of Journalism
Czechoslovakia. Stara Radnitce Gallery

1988   Moscow. Moscow Center of Cinematography
Odessa. Odessa University

1989   Pennsylvania. Gallery International Images LTD
Germany. Wilhelm Hack Museum
New York. Rosa Esman Gallery

1990   Germany. Alex Lachman Gallery

1991   Spain. Fernando Duran Gallery
Germany. Hoffman Friedberg Gallery
Moscow. Regina Gallery

1992   Moscow. The State Tretyakov Gallery

1993   Paris. La Base, Center D' Art Contemporain
Madrid. Emilio Navarre Gallery

1994   Moscow. Museum of Contemporary Art in Tzaritsino
Tokyo. Hillside Gallery
France. Le Chateau De La Napolule
Tokyo. Faret Tachikawa Art Project

1995   Germany. Wilhelm Hach Museum
Spain. Sala Deexposiciones Recalde

1996   Austria. Zolgasse Gallery
Austria. Karenina Gallery,

1997   Kurgan.   State Kurgan Museum

1998   Novgorod. State Novgorod Museum
New York. Tabakman Gallery


1963   Moscow. Moscow Art Center

1965   Leningrad. Center of Architecture
Italy. Alternative Actual-2

1966   Germany. Documenta

1969   Nuremberg. La Biennalle-69

1977   Paris. Palais De Congress
Venice. Biennalle

1978   Tokyo. Municipal Museum

1980   France. Centre Des Arts Et Loisirs on Vesine

1984   West Germany. Meerbuscher Kultursomer

1987   Moscow. Art Center of Krasnogvardeisky Region
Moscow. Ermitage Community Center

1988   France. Musee De L'Art Contemporarain
Switzerland. Kuntsmuseum Berna
Dusseldorf. Kunstpalast
Korea. Museum of Modern Art, Seoul

1989   Chicago. EXPO
Moscow. Collection of Lenz Schonberg

1990   Paris. Grand Palais
Amsterdam. Stedelijk Museum
Ohio. Columbus Museum of Art
Moscow. The State Tretyakov Gallery

1991   New York. Berman E.N. Gallery
Spain. Galeria Fernando Duran
Spain. Museo Nacional Centro De Arte Reina Sofia

1992   Vienna. Exhibition at Fotogalerie Wien and Kunsthalle Exnergasse
Germany. Kunstmuseum Bochum

1993   Paris. La Maison Des Arts Antony
Paris. Musee De La Poste

1994   Moscow. Central House of artists
Bonn. Kunst und Ausstellvinshalle Der Bundesrepublik
Moscow. Shchusev Museum of Architecture

1995   Germany. Wilhelm Hack Museum
Moscow. Puskhin Museum
Transylvania. Morlan Gallery

1996   Moscow. The Malevich Center
St. Petersburg. The State Russian Museum
Moscow. The State Tretyakov Gallery
New Jersey. Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum

1997   Moscow. The State Tretyakov Gallery
Washington. Maryland Art Gallery
Moscow. Pushkin Museum

1998   Moscow. Gallery "Dom Naschokina"


The site has been created with the assistance of the "Open Society Institute" (Soros Foundation). Russia