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Yankilevsky Vladimir


1938   Vladimir Yankilevsky is born in Moscow. His father, Boris I. Yankilevsky, an artist (he was at Vladimir Favorsky's studio in the thirties), is his first teacher.

1949-56   Studies at the Moscow Secondary Art School attached to the Surikov Institute of the USSR Arts Academy.

1957-62   Arts Faculty of the Moscow Polygraphic Institute.

1958   First "independent" paintings.

1961   First triptych (Triptych No. 1: Classical).

1962   First personal exhibition, at Moscow University.
The same year, participates in the notorious Manege exhibition visited by Khrushchev.

1962-75   Participates in numerous "non-official" exhibitions in Moscow, including several personal exhibitions.
Various exhibitions in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Germany, Italy, France.
The first articles and books appear.

1975   Participates in the first officially permitted exhibition of "non-official" art, held at the Beekeeping Pavilion of the Exhibition of Economic Achievement in Moscow.

1978   First official personal exhibition in Moscow.

1987   Second personal exhibition (Retrospective) in Moscow.

1988-1995   Personal exhibitions in the United States, Germany, France, Belgium.

Since 1989   works in New York and Paris.


1962   Moscow. Moscow University (May). Ernst Neizvestny and Vladimir Yankilevsky.

1965   Moscow. Biophysics Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences. Vladimir Yankilevsky.

1966   Prague. Galerie Bratri Capku.E. Neizvestny and V. Yankilevsky.
Moscow. Zholtovsky Street Hall. Vladimir Yankilevsky: One-day exhibition and public discussion.

1978   Moscow. Malaia Gruzinskaya Hall (20.05-5.06). Vladimir Yankilevsky and Eduard Shteinberg.

1987   Moscow. Malaia Gruzinskaya Hall (26.06-12.07). Vladimir Yankilevsky. Painting and Graphics. Retrospective.

1988   New York (30.04-21.05); San Francisco (16.06-10.07). Eduard Nakhamkin Fine Arts. Vladimir Yankilevsky.
Bochum. Museum Bochum (29.10-4.12). Retrospective: Vladimir Yankilevsky. 1958-1988.

1989   Cologne. Galerie Koppelmann (2.06-2.07). Vladimir Jankilevsky. Objekte – Olbilder – Zeichnungen.

1990   New York. Berman – E.N. Gallery (22.09-15.10). Vladimir Yankilevsky. People in Boxes.
Paris. Fiac. Galerie Dina Vierny (25.10-1.11). Vladimir Yankilevsky. Pastels.
Paris. Galerie Dina Vierny (November). Vladimir Yankilevski. Pastels.

1992   Paris. Galerie Dina Vierny (16.12.92-20.02.93). Vladimir Yankilevsky. Self-portraits.

1994   Paris-Levallois. Centre d'Art contemporain La Base (24.09-22.10). Vladimir Yankilevsky. Monument heroique.
Dusseldorf. Galerie Clara Maria Sels (28.10-4.12). Vladimir Yankilevsky.
Brussels. Ruben Forni – Art Gallery (10.11.94-14.01.95). Vladimir Yankilevsky: Collages.

1995-96   Moscow. The State Tretyakov Gallery (20.12.95-28.01.96). Vladimir Yankilevsky. Retrospective.


1962   Moscow. Bolshaia Communisticheskaya Street Hall. Jointly with the exhibition. Belutin-Studio Group.
Moscow. Manege. 30th Anniversary of the Moscow Chapter of the USSR Union of Artists.

1965   Aquila (Italy). Alternative attuale II.

1966   Venice. Biennale di Venezia.

1967   Rome. Galleria II Segno. Quindici giovani pittori Moscoviti.
Florence. Galleria Pananti. Nuova scuola di Mosca.

1970   Lugano. Museo di Belle arti (11.09-11.11). Nuove correnti a Mosca.
Cologne. Galerie Gmurzynska. Die Russiche Avantgarde in Moskau Unite.
Zurich. Galerie Renee Ziegler. Sechs Sovietische Kiinstler.

1973   Paris. Galerie Dina Vierny. L'avant-garde Russe. Moscou 1973.

1974   Bochum. Museum Bochum (12.01-10.02). Progressive Stromungen in Moskau. 1957-1970.

1975   Moscow. "Pchelovodstvo" pavilion of the VDNH (Bee-keeping Pavilion of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements) (19.02-26.02). Twenty Moscow Artists.

1976   Paris. Palais des Congres (2.11-21.11).La peinture russe contemporaine.

1977   Venice. La Biennale di Venezia (November). La nuova arte sovietica. Una prospettiva non uffidale.
Washington, D.C. The Arts Club of Washington; Ithaca, NY. The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University (17.01-26.02). New Art from the Soviet Union.
London. Institute of Contemporary Art (19.01-27.02). Unofficial Art from the Soviet Union.

1978   Antwerpen. Galerie Campo, Sept artistes russes.
Bochum. Museum Bochum (3.02-1 1 .03). 20 Jahre unabhiingige Kunst aus der Sowjetunion.
Tokyo. Municipal Museum (27.09-12.10). Modern Unofficial Soviet Art.

1979   Moscow. Malaya Gruzinskaya Hall. Exhibition of Graphics.
Moscow. Malaya Gruzinskaya Hall (17.02-28.02). Color, Form, Space.

1980   Moscow. Malaya Gruzinskaya Hall (21.05-5.06). Exhibition of 19 Artists.

1982   Moscow'. Malaya Gruzinskaya Hall (5.04-17.04). Paintings of Ten Artists.

1983   Bochum. Museum Bochum. Das Prinzip Haffnung. Aspekte der Utopie in der Kunst des 20 Jahrhunderts (October-November).

1985   Bielefeld (West Germany). Das Zentrum fur interdisziplinare Forschung der Universitat Bielefeld (7.06-30.06); Bochum Museum (10.08-15.09). Moskauer Kiinstler. Jankilevskij, Kabakov, Schteinberg.
Budapest. Museum of Fine Arts. Twentieth Century Graphic Arts from Hungarian Collections.

1987   Moscow. Kashirskoe shosse Hall. The Artists and Contemporaneity.
Moscow. Malaya Gruzinskaya Hall. Object. I.
Moscow. Petrovskie Linii Hall. Graphics from the 1960s and 1970s.
Moscow. Belyaevo Hall. Union "Ermitage". Retrospective: Works of Moscow Artists. 1957-1987.

1987-88   Hamburg-Munich-Moscow-Leningrad. Krieg und Frieden mit den Augen von Kiinstlem.

1988   Bern. Kunstmuseum. Ich Lebe – Ich Sehe. Kiinstler der achtziger Jah're in Moskau.
Dresden. Kupferstich-Kabinett der Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (3.08-4.11). Erik Bulatow, Wladimir Jankilevski, llja Kabakaov, Oleg Wassiliew.
Seoul. National Museum of Contemporary Art. Olympiad of Art.
Cologne. Museum Ludwig (2.07-21.08). Sowjetkunst Heute.
New York – London – Moscow. Sotheby's Auction. Russian Avant-Garde and Contemporary Soviet Art.

1989   Luzern. Kunstmuseum (25.05-10.09); Barcelona; 1989/90 Saint-Etienne; 1990 Luxemburg; Stockholm; 1991/92 Vienna. Von der Revolution zur Perestrojka. Soivjetische Kunst aus der Sammlung Ludivig.
Cologne. Galerie Alex Lachmann (17.11-30.01). Moskauer Nonkonformistichen der 60er Jahre-Heute.

1990   OHIO. Columbus Museum of Art. The Quest for Self-Expression. Painting in Moscow and Leningrad 1965-1990.
Aachen. Ludwig Forum. Sowjetische Graphik.

1990-91   Moscow. The State Tretyakov Gallery (14.12-14.02); Leningrad. The State Russian Museum. The Other Art. Moscow. 1956-1976.

1992   New York. The Art Show. Leonard Hutton Galleries.

1993   Moscow. The State Tretyakov Gallery. An of Postmodernism.

1993-94   Cologne. Museum Ludwig Koln in der Josef-Haubrich Kunsthalle Koln (16.10.93-2.01.94). Russische Avantgarde im 20, Jahrhundeit. Die Sammlung Ludwig.

1994   New York. Leonard Hutton Galleries (27.10-22.12). Small Formats.

1995   Paris. Musee Maillol – Fondation Dina Vierny (Inauguration).
St. Petersburg. The State Russian Museum (May 10). A gift from the Collection Ludwig to the Russian Museum.
New York. The Jewish Museum (September 2 1 , 1995 – January 2 8, 1996). Russian Jewish Artists in a Century of Change 1890-1990.
New York. Neuhoff Gallery (October 12 – November 25). Moscow: The Group.
New Brunswick, N.J. The Norton and Nancy Dodge Collection at the Jane Vo orhees Zimmerli Art Museum. Rutgers, The State University of New-Jersey, USA. From Gulag to Glasnost: Nonconformist Art from the Soviet Union. (Inauguration, October).
Paris. Galerie Dina Vierny (October-November). Bulatov, Kabakov, Yankilevsky.


The State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow.
The State Pushkin Fine Arts Museum. Moscow.
The State Russian Museum. St. Petersburg.
Musee National d'Art Moderne. Centre Georges Pompidou. Paris, France.
Prague National Gallery. Prague. Czechia.
Budapest Fine Arts Museum. Budapest, Hungary.
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. Dresden, Germany.
Museum Ludwig. Cologne, Germany.
The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum. Rutgers. The State University of New Jersey. The Norton & Nancy Dodge Collection of Nonconformist Art from the Soviet Union. New Brunswick, USA.
Museum Bochum. Bochum, Germany.
Musee Maillol - Fondation Dina Vierny. Paris, France.
Stadt Aachen Ludwig Forum fur Internationale Kunst. Aachen, Germany.
Ludwig Museum. Budapest, Hungary.
Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation. Los Angeles, USA.


The site has been created with the assistance of the "Open Society Institute" (Soros Foundation). Russia