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Brener Alexander          
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Brener Alexander


1961   born in Alma-Ata

1978-80   studied at Herzen College of Education, Leningrad (philology dep-t)

1988   emigrated to Israel

1989-91   contributed to Znak Vremeni weekly, Tel Aviv, Israel

since 1992   has lived in Moscow

since 1993   member of Nezesudik group (with A. Osmolovsky, O. Mavromatti, D. Pimenov, A. Revizorov, A. Zubarzhuk)

since 1994   member of Unnamed Group


1993   "My Vagina". M. Guelman Gallery, Moscow
"Tinker-Tailor..." (joint with A. Osmolovsky). XL Gallery, Moscow

1994   "Conformists" (with B. Mamonov). M. Guelman Gallery. Central House of Artists, Moscow
"The Utmost Languor". M. Guelman Gallery, Moscow

1995   "To me, Chimeras!" Contemporary Art Centre, Moscow


1989   "Here". House of Artists, Jerusalem, Israel

1990   "Hot Weather as Anaesthetic". Deadend Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel

1993   "War Goes On". Contemporary Art Centre, Moscow
"Conversion". Central House of Artists. M. Guelman’s Gallery, Moscow
"Labour and Capital". Central House of Artists, Moscow
"You and I are of the Same Blood". Hamburg Art Messe, Germany
"777 Distance Communication". Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth, Gr. Britain; Kunstnernes Hus, Аarchus, Denmark; Storm Gallery, Аmsterdam, Netherlands; Galeria Nova, Bratislava, Slovakia; Reikjavik Art Museum, Iceland; M. Guelman’s Gallery, Moscow
"АRT-MIF-3". Manege, Moscow International Art Fair
"Transition". M Gallery. Bratislava, Slovakia

1994   "Conversion". ISEA, Helsinki, Finland
"Groping in the Dark at Midnight". Videoart festival. Petrovsky Bvrd; Cinematography Centre, Moscow

1995   "No Man’s Land". Contemporary Art Center
"Nikolaj". Copenhagen, Denmark
"Bodily Space". Contemporary Art Centre. M.Guelman’s Gallery. Central House of Artists, Moscow
"Kraftmesse". Kunsthalle, Мunich, Germany
"Jenseits der Mauer". Kleine Humboldt-Galerie der Humboldt-Universitat. Berlin, Germany


1991   street actions and performances (with R. Baembaev). Tel Aviv, Israel

1993   "Art and Life" (with O. Mavromatti). ART-MIF-3, Manege, Moscow

1994   "Diving Platform" (with A. Litvin and A. Revizorov, exhibition-action "Swimming Pool"). Moskva swimming pool, Moscow
"100th Birth Anniversary of МАО (Yellow Devil in the GUM Department Store)" (with Unnamed Group). GUM, Moscow
"Famine Rules the World" (with O. Mavromatti and D. Pimenov). M.Guelman Gallery, Moscow
"Tongues" (with Unnamed Group). McDonalds, Моscow
"Plagiarism" (with B. Mamonov and A. Litvin). A. S. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
"Rendezvous". Pushkin Sqr., Moscow
"Snows of Kilimanjaro". Arbat St., Moscow
"A Man in a Lather". Contemporary Art Centre, Moscow
"Self-Portrait with Father". Regina Gallery, Moscow

1995   "Boxing Champion". Red Sqr., Moscow
"What David Left Undone". Lubyanskaya Sqr., Moscow
"Аrchitecture" (together with Studio of Really Good Works). Defence Ministry Building, Moscow
"It’s Scorching!" (at D.A.Prigov’s soiree). Theatrical Club, Arbat St., Moscow
"Quiet, Mother is Having a Nap". (at E. Evtushenko’s soiree). Polytechnic Museum, Moscow
"They Expect us to Kill Each Other" (with Ya. Mogutin). Contemporary Art Centre, Moscow
"Аnti-Heroes" (with L.Lunina). Central House of Artists, Moscow
"Throwing Eggs at the Non-Entities" (under "Turnkey Party" project). M. Guelman Gallery. Polytechnic Museum, Moscow
Action at M. Ryklin’s seminar in memory of M. Mamardashvili (with A. Ilievsky and A. Litvin). Contemporary Art Centre, Moscow
"Russia in the Shadows" (A. Brener, D. Gutov, A. Ilievsky, A. Litvin, B. Mamonov). Kuznetsky Most House of Artists, Moscow

Stedelijk artcrime


The site has been created with the assistance of the "Open Society Institute" (Soros Foundation). Russia