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Efimov Vladislav          
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Efimov Vladislav


1964   born in Moscow, Russia.

1981   finished Secondary School.

1985   graduated from the Moscow Automotive Institute.

1995-96   Berlin Art Academy scholar.

Lives and works in Moscow.


1991   Untitled. Contemporary Art Center, Shkola Gallery, Moscow.

1993   "Nature Morte". Arcadia. New Space Gallery, Odessa.

1994   Untitled. Contemporary Art Center, Studio 20 Gallery, Moscow.
"Tables". TV Gallery, Moscow.

1995   "Dis(krete)". Moving Pictures, or Chinese Cinema. In collaboration with Oleg Migas. 1.0 Gallery, Moscow.
"The High". Studio 20 Gallery, Moscow.
"Breathing". TV Gallery, Moscow.

1996    "Mechanicus". Galerie TRAPEZ, Berlin, Germany.
"Birds". Gallery 21, St Petersburg.
"Galvani". In collaboration with A. Chernyshov. Contemporary Art Center, TV Gallery, Moscow.

1997   "Opus Magnum". In collaboration with A. Chernyshov. The ART–MOSCOW Fair, TV Gallery, Moscow.
"The 12 Months". XL Gallery, Moscow.
"The Originals". ROSIZO Gallery, Moscow.

1998   "The Shining Prostheses". In collaboration with A. Chernyshov. TV Gallery, Moscow.

1999   "Resurrected Things". Together with Nina Kotel. "Rotonda" Gallery, Moscow.

2000   "Genetic Gymnastics". In collaboration with A. Chernyshov. "DOM" club, Moscow.


1987   "Representation". "Hermitage" Amateur Union, Profsoyusnaya St. 100, Moscow.
Photo exposition. The Amateur Union "Hermitage", Profsoyusnaya St. 100, Moscow.

1988   Photo salon on Malaya Gruzinskaya St., Moscow.
Exhibition of Moscow Photography. Photography Museum, Lvov, Ukraine.

1989   150 Years of Photography. The Central Exhibition Hall "Bolshoi Manezh", Moscow.

1990   ART-MIF-1. Central House of Artists, Moscow.

1991   Photo Manifesto. Photography of Perestroika. Baltimore, Southampton, USA.
Contemporary Art Center. Presentation. Moscow.
"Private Occupations". Contemporary Art Center, 1.0 Gallery, Moscow.

1992   Vladislav Efimov – Yurij Babich. Vahna Gallery, Helsinki, Finland.

1993   Kunst-Kammer. 1.0 Gallery, Moscow.
"Bestiarium". Navicula-Artis Gallery, St Petersburg.
Baroque at the End of the Century. Arts and Crafts Museum, St Petersburg.

1994   Art of Internal Space. Exposition 1. Y. Albert, V. Efimov. 1.0 Gallery, Moscow.
Art of Modern Photography. Russia. Ukraine. Belarus. Central House of Artists, Moscow.
"Surface of the Sense". Laying Covers. Central House of Artists, Moscow.
Final Show of Curatorial Development Workshop. Contemporary Art Center, Moscow.
EUROPE '94. Munich, Germany.
Marginal Zones of Art. Contemporary Art Festival, Arts Museum, Sochi, Russia.
NewMedia Topia. Central House of Artists, Moscow.

1994-95   Neue Fotokunst aus Russland. Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsrue; Galerie im Karmelitenkloster, Frankfurt/Main; Kunsthalle Faust, Hannover; Museum Volk und Wirtschaft, Duesseldorf; Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin; Hertener Fototage, Herten, Germany.

1995   "Configura 2". Dialog der Kulturen. Erfurt, Germany.
Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie. Arl, France.
Werkstatt Moskau (Zeitgenossische Russische Fotokunst). Akademie der Kunst im Marstall, Neue Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, Germany.
"Ergebnis". Galerie am Marstall, Berlin, Germany
Interregnum. Kunsthalle Nuernb erg, Nuernberg, Germany.
Moscow Forum of Arts Initiatives. Exhibition Hall "Maly Manezh", Moscow.

1998   FOTOBIENNIAL '98. The Central Exhibition Hall "Bolshoi Manezh", Moscow.
"The Ship of the Present". The State Centre of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Tver, Nizhny Novgorod, Kostroma.
"Fauna". The State Centre for Contemporary Art The Maly Manezh, Moscow.
ART–MANEZH '98. The Central Exhibition Hall "Bolshoi Manezh", Moscow.
BERLINER ART MESSE. TV Gallery, Berlin, Germany.

1999   "Total Recall". TV Gallery, Moscow.
ACT '99. Galerie "Maerz", Linz, Austria – TV Gallery, Moscow.
"Fauna". National Gallery of Contemporary Art "Zahenta", Warsaw, Poland.
"Realitaet und Schein". Kunsthalle "Faust", Hannover, Germany.

2000   "Between-Active Art". Zverev Centre of Contemporary Art, Moscow.
"Dynamic Pairs". Guelman gallery, The Central Exhibition Hall "Bolshoi Manezh", Moscow.


2000   "Search for the Future". Art Conference. Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

Personal site of Efimov & Chernyshov:


The site has been created with the assistance of the "Open Society Institute" (Soros Foundation). Russia