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Sugar Janos


Janos Sugar studied in the Department of Sculpture at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest from 1979 to 1984. Between 1980 and 1986 he was actively involved in the exhibitions and performances of Indigo, an underground interdisciplinary art group led by Miklas Erdily. Sugar has participated in national and international exhibitions since 1984 and has also created numerous performances, films, and videos. Between 1990 and 1995 he was a board member of the Balazs Bela Film Studio in Budapest. Since 1990, Sugar has been teaching art and lecturing media theory in the Intermedia Department of the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts. In 1992 he exhibited at the documenta IX, Kassel. He completed an Artslink residency at the Cleveland Institute of Art in 1994, and in 1997/98 a four-month, and in 1999 a three-month fellowship at Experimental Intermedia in New York. His films were screened in 1998 at the Anthology Film Archives in New York.


1999   Galleria Spicchi dell'Est, Rome
Gallery Miroslav Kraljevic, Zagreb, Croatia, with Yuri Leiderman
"Context Trap", Artpool, Budapest

1998   QQ Galeria, Cracow, Poland
Ludwig Museum, Budapest, with Yuri Leiderman

1997   Knoll Gallery, Vienna

1996   Studio Gallery, Budapest

1993   Knoll Gallery, Vienna

1992   Knoll Gallery, Budapest

1991   Ujlak Exhibition Space, Budapest

1990   Lajos-street Gallery, Budapest

1989   Salone Villa Romana, Florence

1988   Institut Francais, Budapest


1999   "Aspects/Positions" 50 Years Art From Middle Europe, 20er Haus, Wien
"Art of the Nineties in Hungary" Akademie der Kunste, Berlin
"Perspective" International Media Art Exhibition, Kunsthalle Budapest

1997   "Weight-less", Ludwig Museum, Budapest

1996   Manifesta 1, Rotterdam, Netherlands
"The Butterfly Effect", Kunsthalle, Budapest

1995   "Ostranenie", Dessau, Germany

1992   Documenta IX, Kassel, Germany

1991   Trigon, "8x2 aus 7", Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria
"Europe Unknown", Palac Sztuki, Cracow, Poland

1990   "Triumf, the Uninhabitable", Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark
8th Int. Triennal of Small Sculpture, Kunsthalle, Budapest (awarded the Grand Prize)

1980-86   Eighteen exhibitions and happenings with the INDIGO group


1999   "Deadheat", Stephen Gang Gallery, New York

1998   "Big Yes – Big No", Stephen Gang Gallery, New York

1997   "Big Yes – Big No", Kunsthalle, Budapest

1996   "Ariadne Unemployed", Gallery KK im Fisch, Braunschweig, Germany

1995   "The Shortest Labyrinth", Perforium, Intl. Perf. Art Meeting, Budapest

1994   "White Hole", Student Island, Budapest

1992   "Strecke durch Zeit", Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany

1987   "The Circle and the Dawn", New York Caf‚, Kassel, Germany


"Do You Know My Method?", BW, 35mm, 10 min, BBS, 1998
"Ariadne Unemployed", video, 13 min., 1997
"Faust Again", BW, 35mm, 110 min, BBS, 1994
"Ambigous Window" BW + colour 16 mm, 17 min, BBS, 1993, (final print: 1996)
"Camera in Trouble" color, 16 mm, 70 min, BBS production, 1992
"Misunderstandings" TV series, 5x28 min. FRIZ production, 1991
"The Immortal Culprits" U-matic, 30 min. BBS production, 1988
"Tweedle" (with L. R‚v‚sz,) BW, 16 mm, 5 min. BBS production, 1987
"Persian Walk", color, 16 mm, 50 min.(final print: 1989), BBS production, 1985
"This Type of Intention is on the Border of Credibility",16 mm, 7min., 1983, (final print: 1989, BBS)


G. Lovink: Interview with Janos Sugar, Convergence 4/2 (Luton Univ. UK), 1998
S. Snodgrass: Report from Budapest, Art in America 98/10, 1998
E. Beck: "Hungary After the Soft Revolution", ArtNews 91/3, 1991
M. Tarantino: "Sub Voce". Artforum, Dec/91, 1991



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