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Leiderman Yuri          
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Leiderman Yuri


1963   born in Odessa

Since 1982   participated in apartment exhibitions in Moscow and Odessa

1987   Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology named after D. Mendeleyev
One of the founding members of the "Medical Hermeneutics" group, had left group in 1990

Resides in Moscow


1989   The Museum of the Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw

1990   Galerie Mladych, Prague (in a body of Medical Hermeneutics group)
Kunsthalle Dusseldorf (in a body of Medical Hermeneutics group)

1991   "Stabilisation of Psychedelic Phantasms", Krings-Ernst gallery, Cologne

1992   "The Pit and the Pendulum", Regina gallery, Moscow
"West in Space", Baykonur cosmodrome(in co-operation with A. Andora)
"The Hound of Baskervilles", Regina gallery, Moscow
"The Best and the Very Dubious", Skola gallery & 1.0 gallery, Moscow
"To Joseph Kosuth and Tlins Civilisation", Vita Nova gallery, Minsk

1994   "Soccer WorldCup", Skola gallery, Moscow
"The Best and the Very Dubious", Inge Baecker gallery, Cologne
"Paris-Jura Road /fragments/", Michel Rein gallery, Tours, France

1995   "The Football Teams Lost", ART3, Valence, France

1996   "To Teach a Cat About History of Europe", FRAC Champagne-Ardennes, Reims

1997   "Eskimos", Overcoat gallery, Moscow

1998-99   "General Reminder" (with Janos Sugar), Ludwig Museum, Budapest; Galeria Wyspa, Gdansk; Galerija Miroslav Kraljevic, Zagreb

1999   "Circles and Lumps", Galerija Skuc, Ljubljana
"Apprendre l’Histoire de l’Europe à un Chat et Mesurer le Bonheur en Petits Chiens", Michel Rein gallery, Tours, France


1983   "Beyond the Fence", AptArt, Moscow

1984   "Odessa Exhibition", AptArt, Moscow

1987   1-st KLAVA exhibition, Moscow

1988   2-nd KLAVA exhibition, Moscow
"New Russians", Palace of Culture, Warsaw

1989   "Expensive Art", 3-rd KLAVA exhibition, Moscow
"Green Show", ExitArt, New York
"Moskau – Wien – New York", Messepalast, Vienna
"Perspectives of Conceptualism", 4-th KLAVA exhibition, Moscow

1990   "Artisti Russi Contemparanei", Museo d`Arte Contemparanea, Prato, Italy
"Between Spring and Summer", Tacoma ArtMuseum, Tacoma/WA/; ICA, Boston
"In de USSR en Erbuiteiten", Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
"Catalogue", Synthesis Fine Arts, Moscow
"The Work of Age of Perestroika", Phyllis Kind gallery, New York
"SchisoChina", 5-th KLAVA exhibition, Moscow

1991   "Perspectives of Conceptualism", The Clocktower gallery, New-York
"Soviet Contemporary Art", Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo
"MANI Museum", Karmeliterkloster, Frankfurt/M
"Sowietische Kunst um 1990", Kunsthalle Dusseldorf – CHA, Moscow
"Solitary Pursuits", "1-0"gallery, Moscow

1992   "V Izbach", Dom kultury, Bratislava
"...a Mosca...a Mosca", Galeria communale d’Arte Moderna, Bologna and other pl.
3-rd Istanbul Biennale, Istanbul

1993   "Trio Acoustico", CCC, Tours, France "Sonsbeek’93", Arnhem, Netherlands "Adresse Provisoire L’art Contemporein Russe", Musee de la Poste, Paris
"Fontanelle", Kunsthalle Potsdam, Germany
"Passage de Oriente", Venice Biennale, Venice
"Exchange", Moscow
"Identity Selfhood", Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki

1994   "Fluchtpunkt Moskau", Ludwigsforum, Aachen, Germany
"Hamburg’s Project", CAC, Moscow
"Workshop of Visual Anthropology", CAC, Moscow
"Exchange II", Amsterdam

1995   "No Man’s Land", Nikolaj, Copenhagen
"Kraftemessen", Munich
Galerija Anonimus, Ljubljana
1-st Kwangju B iennale, Kwangju, Korea
"Fly, Leaving, Disappearing", Galerie hlavniho mesta Prahy, Prague
"Media Mundi", Britswert, Netherlands

1996   "Interpol", Fargfabriken, Stockholm
1-st European biennale Manifesta, Rotterdam
"Borders of Interpretation", Russian state humanitarian university, Moscow
"Hello Fair-Tale", Contemporary Art Center, Moscow

1997   "The Verbal Line...", Russian Centre, Budapest
"Ecology of Emptiness", ICA, Moscow
"Take It Of, Put It On, Leave It Like That", Moscow
"New Enterings in Russian State Museum Collection", S.-Petersburg, Moscow
"Mystical correct", Hohenthal&Bergen gallery, Berlin

1998   "Еuroremont", Cultural centre "Slavjanskiy bazar", Moscow
"Voyage", Musee de Valence, France
"Hô!",Flemish cultural centre "De Brakke Grond", Amsterdam
"Academy of Ice", Fine Arts Museum, Odessa
11-th Biennale of Sydney
"PräPrintium", Staatsbibliothek Berlin; Universitat, Bremen
"Ecozone", Art Manege’98, Moscow
"Fauna", Malyi Manege, Moscow; Zacheta, Warsaw

1999   "Total Recall", TV gallery, Moscow
"Act 99", Galerie Maerz, Linz
"Fairy Tales", Metamedia centre Plasy, Czech Rebuplic
"Distant Similarities", Veleterzni palac, Prague
"After the Wall", Moderna Museum, Stockholm


The site has been created with the assistance of the "Open Society Institute" (Soros Foundation). Russia