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Velikanov Andrej and Julia          
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Velikanov Andrej and Julia

tel./fax: **7-095-2743921
ICQ: 127557

1954   born in Moscow.

1977   Graduated from the Moscow Physics & Engineering Institute

1989   Graduated from the Moscow Polygraphic Academy (Art Department)

Works currently in Moscow (poetry, graphic, design, performance, video art, net art)

1999   together with Julia Velikanov created a virtual artist Namniyas Ashuratova


Special recognition and EMARE Fellowship by Ostranenie'95, Bauhaus Foundation, Dessau, Germany
first prize (art project) DADANET'98, Moscow, Herbarium for Goethe
Grand Prix Art on the Net'98, Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts, Tokyo. Virtual Body of God
second prize (contemporary art) DADANET'99, Moscow. Enemy Processing System
third prize (contemporary art) DADANET'99, Moscow. Andrej Velikanov' author site
first prize (radical conformistic project) TrashArt'99, Moscow. Enemy Processing System
honourable mention Art on the Net'99, Tokyo. Self-Identification System
best interactive project at South by Southwest Interactive Festival (SXSW'2000). Enemy Processing System
special award Split'2000, Croatia. There Fell a Star from Heaven


1991   Gallery "Dead Chickens Warehouse", Berlin

1992   Gallery "Invalidenstr, 31", Berlin

1994   "30 Plots from the Russian history", gallery Doelberg, Berlin

1995   "On the Victory Day", art-cafe Aufsturz, Berlin

1998   "Some Like It Even Hotter", XL Gallery, Moscow


27.05.94   "Moskva Swimming Pool", Moscow

31.03-2.04.95   "Budenny’s three-day war", Moscow

8.05.95   "The Red Flag above Reichstag", Berlin

11.05.95   "Ritual Murder of Adolf Hitler", Berlin

4.08.95   "Happy Birthday, Death!", Moscow


"30 Plots from the Russian History", 1994, publisher of Humboldt University, Berlin (Russian, German)
"Mental Isotherm of January", 1995, ibid
"Moskva Swimming Pool", 1995, ibid (Russian)
"On the Victory Day", 1995, ibid (personal exibition catalogue, German)
"On the Victory Day", 1995, in: festival publication OSTranenie’95, Dessau (German, English)
"The Talk with an Angel", in: culture magazine "Sleipnir" #6, 1995, Berlin (German)
"Harry, Marquis de Sade and Peter the Great", 1996, in: art magazine "Khudoshestvennaya Volya", St. Petersburg (Russian)
"It’s Time to Compose an Anti-Utopia", 1996, in: "Nesavisimaya gaseta" (Russian)
"Made up stories", in: "Via Regia" (Erfurt, Germany) Nr.4, 1997 (German)
"Ausgedachte Geschichten", in: "Sklaven" (Berlin), Nr.32/33, 1997 (German)
"Virtual Body of Juxta", Russian Journal, 2000 (Russian)


"God with Us", 1994, VHS, b/w, 10 min. (special recognition at OSTRANENIE'95, Bauhaus Dessau, Germany)
"Budenny’s three-day war ", 1995, VHS PAL, 11min.
"The 8th May of 1995", VHS PAL, 7 min.
"Cockroach Races", 1996, S-VHS PAL, 34 min.
"Terminator III", 1996, MJPEG, 4 min.
"Superhuman Music", MJPEG, 1 min.
"Nervous Ballet", MJPEG, 1 min.
"Everything Is Going to Be Alright", MJPEG, 6 min.
"Message", 1996, MJPEG, 1 min.
"Oh, Mama!", 1997, MJPEG, 6 min.
"Some Like It without Sugar", 1998, MJPEG, 4 min.
"Dualism of the Linguistic Sign Is Asymmetric", 1998, MJPEG, 3 min.
"Virtual Body of God", 1999, MJPEG, 6 min.


Andrej Velikanov' author site
Herbarium for Goethe
Superhuman Music
Virtual Body of God
There Fell a Star from Heaven
Enemy Processing System
Self-Identification System
Quotation System
Virtual Manege (Russian)
Interactive Lexicon of Juxta


Born in Moscow in 1976

A student of the Moscow Architectural Institute, 2000 – BA degree

Lives in Moscow, works in net art and video art


"Universal Substitute". 2002. 10'00''. DV
"Virtual Body of God". 2000. 6'00". MJPEG
"Dualism of the Linguistic Sign Is Asymmetric". 2000. 3'00". MJPEG
"Just Tampaxes in Juzz". 1999. 3'00". MJPEG
"Оh, Mama!" 1997. 4'00''. MJPEG
"Superhuman Music". 1996. 1'00". MJPEG
"Everything Is Going to Be Alright". 1996. 6'00". MJPEG
"Terminator 3". 1996. 4'00". MJPEG
"God with Us". 1994. 10'00".VHS

Andrej and Julia Velikanov’s net projects and video films received awards at numerous international media festivals, among them are: Ostranenie'95 (Dessay, Germany), DADANET'98 (Moscow), Art on the Net'98 (Tokyo), TrashArt'99 (Moscow), SXSW'2000 (Austin, USA), Media Forum'2001 (Moscow)


The site has been created with the assistance of the "Open Society Institute" (Soros Foundation). Russia