concept n.zaretskaya
Detkina Tanya          
design a.velikanov
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Detkina Tanya


Born in 1964, Moscow.

Graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute (MARCHI). Together with other members of Heavens Commission Group completed "Cloudy Forms' Definer". Educated at "New Media Art Laboratory" and got a grand-prize for the installation performed in the framework of the project. Together with Arkady Nasonov (NewMediaTopia Exhibition, curated by Vladimir Levashov).

Participated in the first projects of "Moscow WWW Art Center". Graduated from the Script Writers and Directors Higher Courses, Alexei German and Svetlana Karmalita Studios.

At 2000 worked with A.Yu. German's Picture "It's Too Hard To Be a God".


2001   Participated in the competition for the best European short film debut at Festival Premiers Plans in Anzher

1999   28th International Film Festival, Rotterdam, screening in the framework of Digital New Wave Program

1998   3rd International Split Fest of New Film, Croatia (2nd award for Spy Toys); Cine Fantom Festival, Moscow (best sound award)

1997   Digitale'97. Cologne, Germany
Veranstaltungen. Hanover, Germany

1996   Set Obscur Objet du Desire. Volanet, France (solo exhibition)

1995   Ateliers du Fond Regional des Pays de la Lloire. France
5 Mondial de la Video. Brussels, Belgium; "3rd Reality". S. Petersburg, Russia (Grand-Prize for "The Bats")
"WRO'95", Wroclaw, Poland (screening within the framework of a special Russian program)

1994   Reproduction – Mon Amour. Soros Contemporary Art Center, Moscow
NewMediaTopia. Central House of Artists, Moscow (Grand-Prize for video installation)

1993   Heavens Commission Is Giving a Chance. First multimedia show of Heavens Commission at the Moscow Planetarium


"О. К. Is Printing a Book" (together with А. Nasonov and V. Mogilevsky. 1992 26'00". VHS
"The Bats". 1995. 6'00". VHS. "Spy Toys". 1997. 12'00". Betacam
"Four Important Habits". 1998. 12'00". Betacam
"Desert". 2000. 15'00", 35mm
"Sitting in a Wardrobe". 2001. 23'00". 35mm

video: "The Bats" (128kbps. fragment)



The site has been created with the assistance of the "Open Society Institute" (Soros Foundation). Russia