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Kosolapov Alexander          
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Kosolapov Alexander


1943   born in Moscow

since 1975   lives and works in New York City


1997   Galerie Karenina, Vienna

1994   Galerie Vorsetzen, Hamburg

1993   Galerie Inge Baecker, Cologne

1991   Ruth Siegel Gallery, New York City

1990   Berman Gallery, New York City. (catalogue)

1988   Galerie Inge Baecker, Cologne

1987   Galerie Anna Friebe, Cologne. (catalogue)

1985   Semaphore Gallery, New York City

1974   Central Exhibition Hall, Kuznetskiy Most, Moscow


2000   New collection, Kupferstift Kabinet, Berlin, Germany
2000+ artist collection, Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Kosolapov, paintings, Museum of art, The Duke University, N.C

1999   Kunst im untergrund, Albertina museum, Vienna, Austria
Drama Lenin-Stalin Tragodie, Galerie Hihenthal and Bergen, Berlin, Germany

1998   Russlands Zweite Avantgarde, Museum Moderner Kunst, Stiftung Worlen, Passau, Germany
Kunst mit durch uber Schrift aus Sammlung Kubler, Attersee, Austria
Pop-art, Sotz-art, Weisman Art Museum, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

1997   Cetinjski Bijenale, Montenegro, Jugoslavia

1996   Here and There: Contemporary Artist from the Former Soviet Union. B'nai B'rith Klutznick, National Jewish Museum, Washington D.C

1995   Kunst im Verborgenen. Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen am Rhein; Dokumenta-Halle, Kassel, Germany
Russian Jewish Artist in a Century of Change, The Jewish Museum, New York
Prospects, The Chase Manhattan bank, Soho Branch, New York
Temporarily Possessed, The New Museum, New York

1994   Le Saut Dans Le vide; The Central House of Artists, Moscow
Before "Neo" and after "Post", Lehman college, New York
El Magico Mundo De Micky Mouse; Madrid, Cuartel conde Duque; Barsellona, Palau Sant Jordi; Spain
Cetinjski Bijenale, Montenegro, Jugoslavia

1993   3d Minos Beach Sculpture Symposium, Greece
Eastern Europian Art Fair; Galerie Vorsetzen, Hamburg

1992   Sotz Art Lenin museum, Moscow, Russia
Ex USSR, Groninger Museum, Holland

1991   From Thaw to Perestroika, Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo
Kunst Europa 1991-USSR, Kunstverein Hanover, Germany
Transpositions, Art Museum University of South Florida, Tampa
The Three Russian Artists, Eva Poll Gallery, Berlin

1990   Art=Money?, The Gallery, New York City
Art and Publicity, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
Du Sezon Museum, Tokyo
The Objects, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Schizo-China, Avangard Club, Moscow
Another Art, Moscow, 1956-76, The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

1989-90   Transit: Russian Artists Between the East and West, Nakhamkin Fine Arts, New York City; Fine Arts Museum of Long Island; Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow; State Russian Museum, Leningrad

1989   D&D, Kunstverein, Hamburg
Reagan: American Icon, Central Gallery, Bucknell University, Lewisburg Pennsylvania; Reading Public Museum and Art Gallery, Pennsylvania

1988-89   Hommage-Demontage, Neue Galerie-Ludwig Collection, Aachen; traveled to Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen; Stadtisches Museum, Gelsenkirchen; Provinciaalmuseum Hasselt, Belgium; Museum Moderner Kunst, Vienna


Museum Of Modern Art, MOMA, New York
The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York
New York Public Library, New York
Kupferstift Kabinet, Berlin, Germany
Albertina, Vienna, Austria
Chase Manhattan Bank, New York
National Jewish Museum, B'nay B'rith Klauthznik, Washington
Russian Museum, St. Peterburg, Russia
Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia
Museum of art, The Duke University, N.C
Wihlhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen, Germany
The State-Zarizin Museum, Moscow, Russia
nZimmerly Art Museum, Rutgers, New Jersey
Art Museum University of South Florida, Tampa
Moderna galerija Ljubljana, Slovenia
Museum Moderner Kunst, Stiftung Worlen, Passau, Germany


The site has been created with the assistance of the "Open Society Institute" (Soros Foundation). Russia