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V.2, September

Shutov Sergei

Sergei Shutov

version 2. it can be reanimation, recurring inspiration of a well-known story's characters who seem to have played their roles. one more version with certain
changes actualizing a repeated narration.
a subversion in relation to the story itself and its next eye-witnesses.
v.2 is always some other story ®>>
the story of an artist Sergei Shutov is multimedia in the literal sense, i.e. it consists
of several stories told in different ways: by means of painting, graphics, video,
music, computer, words ®>>
telling everything ®>>
this time let's turn to a media story.
Sergei Shutov was one of the first artists in Russia who began working in media art.
his second versions of Soviet screen's block-basters, such as "The Mystery of Two
"Oceans" and "Slow-Moving Plane High in the Skies"
became a sort of trite pictures' reverse.
i.e. he gave to sterotype images of cinema which had become epoch-making, a new turn of video art living somewhere in the gaps between celluloid of different format,
advertising and MTV video, three-dimensional digit.
these are already new "Sensual Experiments".
vibration, swinging, tinkling of idea between direct, almost physical feeling of the
meaning coming into being with electronic massage of the organs of sense
(((((®>>the medium is the<<)))))
and to guess its outlines in the smooth labyrinths of verbal and formal abstraction.
rythmical synthesis of colour, sound, light, movement - here lied the ways of search
of several generations of avant-gardist artists; night clubs became the place where this
psychedelia was able to mingle with life.
Techno, rave, ambient, industrial, jungle, dub... the artist, like a demiurge creating visual and sound cinesthesia on the screen, is hardly visible in the darkness of the hall at the DJ stand. Video-mix synchronized with music, in the real time - one more step towards show totality. there are not so many topics of the story, the matter is the skill of the narrator, a Great Contriver.
taking in cosmos at a glance, he stares at one point visible only to him, and, as if adjusting a spy-glass, he impetiously approaches it, enriching it with place, time, space, form, destiny ->>>
a total rotation
"The Moon - The Moon"
The Earth

Curated by Tatiana Goryucheva




The site has been created with the assistance of the "Open Society Institute" (Soros Foundation). Russia