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Faibisovich Simon

Within the framework of the mentioned activities "TV Gallery" would like to present a video installation by Simon Faibisovich, an artist and critic. He believes that contemporary aesthetic processes cardinally differ from the art history of the previous epochs; now the main role in art belongs not to the personal experience of the artist but to his analitical abilities, his skill to see the context and to work with the text.

This installation consists of a number of video screens set opposite each other. On one of the screens there is being shown Sokurov’s film about Solzhenitsyn, while on the other one an amateur reel "A Villa under the Sun", where a dental mechanic is advertising his dacha in his home reel in order to let it to Americans. So, the author compares the two texts, which can be conditionally defined as an elite text and a kitsch text, mixing visual and audio sides of these texts and therefore giving the viewer the possibility to see both differentialities and common points of them, their being "concurrent".

In the other hall the fragments of the films are displayed. In this way the hall can be considered as a preamble to the viewing and taking it by the viewer for a sort of lobby. The name "Double Seance" acquires a "double" sense, meaning, on the one hand, "a seance of hypnosis" put in the concept of both films and, on the other hand, their "quoting" in a static form, in the form of photo-shots.

video 1: 28 Kbps. fragment; 128 Kbps. פנאדלוםע; 256 Kbps. fragment

video 2: 28 Kbps. fragment; 128 Kbps. fragment; 256 Kbps. fragment



The site has been created with the assistance of the "Open Society Institute" (Soros Foundation). Russia