concept n.zaretskaya
shows abroad          
design a.velikanov
about tv gallery
tv programs
single channel videos
video for installations
shows in Russia
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to the current site



Art Media Center "TV Gallery" began its activities in 1990 as a TV program and was the first to represent exhibitions and actual art projects on Russian TV. From 1991 the Center got the opportunity to make independent art actions connected with new technologies at its own exposition venue. Therefore, the appearance and development of video/media art in Russia has got a direct connection with Art Media Center's work.

At present the Center organizes and presents multimedia exhibitions, makes shootings and produces TV programs, participates in international and home video festivals, makes video films, collects archives.

Presenting the Center's video archives, we would like to emphasize that this independently working department of the Center uses a well-equipped technical base, which makes the work with its "documents" very fruitful.

Founder and director – Nina Zaretskaya,
Ph.D., TV journalist, director, producer, video maker, curator.

Artists collaborating with the Center:
AES (Tatyana Arzamasova, Lev Evzovich, Evgeny Svyatsky), Grisha Bruskin, Aristarkh Chernyshev, Vladislav Efimov, Nina Kotel, Oleg Kulik, Galina Ledentsova, Bogdan Mamonov, Alyona Martynova, Dmitry Alexandrovich Prigov, Georgy Puzenkov, Gia Rigvava, Vladimir Salnikov, Olga Stolpovskaya, Leonid Tishkov, Andrey Velikanov, Vadim Zakharov and others.

Khudozhestvenny Zhurnal (Art Magazine), # 40
"TV Gallery" considers its goal to train our own video artists with the help of vaccination of Russian art by Western video art."




The site has been created with the assistance of the "Open Society Institute" (Soros Foundation). Russia