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Classics Have Got on in the World
Fedor Romer
Yezhenedelny Zhurnal (Weekly Magazine), #34, September 3, 2002

On September 4 Kultura channel started showing a cycle of TV programs "Classics of Contemporary Art" prepared by Art Media Center "TV Gallery", Moscow. The author and show-host is Nina Zaretskaya, the owner of "TV Gallery". The programs will be shown once in two weeks. By the present time eleven films of half an hour’s duration have been made telling about home and western artists of various generations and trends. Among the heroes are Moscow conceptualist Victor Pivovarov, sots-artist Grisha Bruskin, abstract artist Marlen Schpindler, American feminist Nancy Spero, land-artist Dennis Oppenheim, etc. All these TV programs offer the viewer a pretty impressive shear of the art of the second half of the 20th century, i.e. the art, which cannot be seen very often on our conservative TV. The first film of the cycle is dedicated to Dmitri Alexandrovich Prigov, a poet, a sculptor, an installator, a performer. And just to a nice person who, as it turned out, was a crocodile in his previous life – Prigov has shared this secret with Zaretskaya in the very end of the program. So, this film is worth seeing.



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