TVARJ (BEAST), December
Tishkov Leonid
c r i t i q u e
"Novaya Yezhednevnaya Gazeta", January 10, 1995
"Blockheads, Stomachs, Dabloids and Other Creatures"
"TVarj" (TV-creature) is the name of the exhibition by Leonid Tishkov running at TV Gallery. L. Tishkov is an artist, a poet, a playwright, in short, Author. And, accordingly, this is the name of a personage ousted by inspired and at the same time cool imagination of physician L.T. from himself. On to us.
That one who is watching, shall be at the same time being watched, said Krishnamurti, then your heart will inhabit clearness and peace. Thus that one who was watching TV set, following the advice of the great Enlightened one of nowadays, has become a TV set. We are approaching TVarj, we are watching its life, we are looking attentively into its black ass, and a magic performance called Mass-Media, is sucking us into a black sphincter of the screen. <...>
This eternal TVarj is watching our world with its clear serene eyes, listening to it with its big ears, absorbing it as it is, assimilating best juices while digesting, so that afterwards to give us only shit, having painted it with all "kodak" colors.
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