Yuri ZLOTNIKOV is one of the brightest representatives of abstractionism in contemporary art.

As a rule, abstraction is referred to a spontaneous artistic gesture.

On the contrary, Yuri Zlotnikov is an analyst artist, an explorer in the field of art language. Zlotnikov’s art presents a fundamental analysis of the effect of pictorial art on man.

His very first cycle of works was called "The Signals". The "signal system" elaborated by him then, an attempt to determine the viewer’s psychic & physical reaction to color and shape, proved to be the basis of his further way.

Yuri Zlotnikov turned to abstractionism because of two individual factors: his obsessed striving for inner freedom and keenness on science.

Yuri Zlotnikov has always been and will remain open to reality. He reflects every event happening in the world, be it war in Israel or Chernobyl, Afghanistan or New York tragedy on September 11.

Despite an abstract nature of his visual language, he sees his own art in the context of the global world arrangement.