Tatiana NAZARENKO belongs to the so called generation of "the people of the 70's".

The State Russia Prize winner, Professor at Surikov Art Institute (painting department), full member of the Russian Art Academy.

At the same time she is a charming woman of the world looking like a film star.

Now she has become a pop star, this is a unique case for the Russian art scene.

Now a metaphor and now a grotesque (even in self-portraits), and suddenly – parable pictures concentrated on a common life of a common man. And at the same time a carnivalization of the plots, though the artist herself is strongly against everything that could call her art "carnivalizm".

Her characters are real and imaginary, she joins reality and absurdity in her works, mixing space and time and revealing the inner interaction between the past and the present. As she says, she "worries about the history reflected in the eyes of contemporaries".