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Zaretskaya Nina

Natalia Nesterova. Yuri Zlotnikov. Osvaldo Romberg. Tatiana Nazarenko.
broadcast – Jan. 22 broadcast – Feb. 05 broadcast – Feb. 19 broadcast – March 05

The cycle "CLASSICS OF CONTEMPORARY ART" continues its life on "Kultura"(Culture) channel.

According to journalists, Natalia Nesterova speaks of herself only with very close people, and as for her works, she never mentions them at all. Natalia Igorevna believes that an artist should reveal himself in his works, keeping reserved in life.
So, let's think that we and you, our viewers, are lucky. The artist is talking openly to us in this program, moreover – our shooting team has become a witness of a birth of one of her paintings.

video: Natalia Nesterova (128 Kbps. fragment)

Recently in St. Petersburg, in Russian Museum, there was held a large-scale exhibition "Abstract Art in Russia, XX Century". With Vasily Kandinsky's work on the cover of the catalogue's first volume, and Yuri Zlotnikov's – on the second volume.
This artist is one of the most significant representatives of abstractionism in contemporary art.

video: Yuri Zlotnikov (128 Kbps. fragment)

His forefathers came from Russia, he was born in Argentina, had lived in Israel for over 20 years, at the present time lives in the USA but do not consider himself an American. According to him, an artist belongs to the world.
He is a graphic artist, a painter, an experimenter and a researcher.
There is an interaction between the paradigms of classical art and avant-garde in his works, as if he is compressing the centuries to create a synthesis.
The hero of this issue of our program is Osvaldo Romberg.

video: Osvaldo Romberg (128 Kbps. fragment)

Our first spring program of the cycle is dedicated to Tatiana Nazarenko. She belongs to the artists whose talent came to light in the 70s, a pretty hard period for our culture though not without fruit.
Bright individuals were developing and getting matured during those years. The weak ones would break, the strong ones would get stronger.
Tatiana Nazarenko belongs to the strong ones.
However, she is a woman, charming and unusual, exciting and alluring. Just as her pictures are.

video: Tatiana Nazarenko (128 Kbps. fragment)



The site has been created with the assistance of the "Open Society Institute" (Soros Foundation). Russia